
Learn How To Control Asthma: Tips For Better Respiratory Health

Asthma is a medical disorder in which a person feels difficulty in breathing. Asthma is usually caused by allergens that cause allergies in the body. In asthma, the breathing tubes of the lungs get swelled up and inflamed resulting in the narrowing of breathing tubes (bronchioles). The signs of asthma include difficulty in breathing, cough, sputum production (Phlegm), and chest congestion. This is a guide to managing Asthma; in case of medical urgency seek a professional healthcare provider’s help.

Signs and symptoms of asthma:

    1. Cough is a frequent sign of asthma it can be productive (with sputum) or without sputum.
    2. Breathing difficulty is commonly associated with wheezing or whistling sounds from the lungs.
    3. Chest congestion, is the feeling of heaviness in the chest.
    4. Breathlessness after slight work or walking.

अस्थमा के कारण:

Asthma is an autoimmune disorder. Following are some factors that can trigger an asthma attack.

    • Substances that cause allergies are called allergens like dust, pollens, and certain foods like fish or egg, or animal dust.
    • Cigarette or tobacco smoke, air pollution from vehicles, dust from home, perfumes, or other fumes.
    • Fast food or cold drinks.
    • Heavy physical exertion.
  • Mental stress.

करने लायक चीज़ें:

  • Deep breathing exercises e.g. Pranayama 25 times a day.
  • Stop smoking completely, if you are a smoker.
  • Avoid all allergens.
  • Avoid dust. A housewife having asthma may be greatly helped by a vacuum cleaner to clean dust. Use a mask while dusting.
  • Avoid carpets on the floor, which harbor dust.
  • Avoid pets if you are asthmatic.
  • Avoid industrial fumes in factory workers.
  • Ask your doctor or healthcare provider how to use your emergency inhaler correctly. If a particular food triggers an attack of asthma, avoid it e.g. cold drinks, particular fruits, fish, and chocolates.
  • If any emotional or family problems, try to sort them out, use a tranquilizer or consult a psychiatrist.
  • For repeated attacks, advise a change of weather i.e. a holiday in a dry climate, will help more than medicines.
  • Avoid mosquito coils and mats.
  • Use mosquito net instead or topical mosquito repelling cream.
  • Avoid passive smoking.
  • Asthma is one of psychosomatic illness. So mind tranquility is a very important part of treatment. If a patient with asthma gets dramatic relief in a dry climate and attacks otherwise, he or she should change the residence, if possible to a dry climate place.
  • Take a glass of warm water early in the morning; take warm drinks like tea, coffee, and soups often.

Things to avoid:

  • Junk food or deep-fried food like pizzas, hamburgers, and chips.
  • Cold food items like ice creams, and cold drinks. Sour foods like nonfresh curds, and raw onion. Avoid sour fruits like citrus fruits (orange, lemon), and sour grapes.
  • By trial and error method and keen observation, note if any particular food is causing an attack of asthma, such food must be totally avoided. Avoid heavy meals – eat in small quantities of meals and take dinner early. Avoid sleeping at least 2 hours after meals.
  • Stress: Learn to manage stress as it can directly prompt an asthma attack. Try Yoga and meditation as it helps to relieve stress.