Best Diet to Reduce Stress

What Is The Best Diet To Reduce Stress?

Stress Busting Foods Infographic- Activ Living
Best Diet To Reduce Stress

Food For Stress Reduction

Hyperstress can be detrimental to Your physical health as it can cause headaches, weaken your immune system and lead to heart disease. Including certain foods in your diet can help in reducing stress by increasing the production of serotonin in the body. Serotonin is the hormone that regulates anxiety and boosts mood. Herbal teas have certain antioxidants that make you feel warm and comfortable. Having teas like lavender, chamomile, or a glass of milk before bedtime can also help with sleep disorders.

Eating healthy snacks like nuts or dark chocolate will boost your heart health along with reducing stress. Fish is a good source of Omega 3 which reduces the effect of stress hormones. Add complex carbohydrates to your meals and snacks. They take longer to digest, keep you full for longer and help to stabilize your mood. If you feel anxious or hyper-stressed frequently, try to avoid excessive intake of caffeine and sugar as they overstimulate the body’s hormones and trigger mood swings. Alcohol induces anxiety, but limited intake can help you feel calmer as well. If the symptoms of anxiety persist, consult your doctor or psychiatrist soon.