Bananas are Good for Health

5 Health Benefits Of Eating Bananas

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits worldwide. Bananas are good for our health as it is a rich source of nutrients and can be consumed in a variety of forms. 

Here’s what you need to know:

Nutrients present in banana

This fruit is a powerhouse of fibre and antioxidants. It contains potassium, vitamin B6 and C, magnesium, and protein, with very little fat. Each banana contains 105 calories and consists of water and carbs. The carbs in green, unripe bananas mostly contain starch, which then turns into sugar as the bananas ripen. 

5 Health benefits of bananas

Let us look at 5 health benefits of eating bananas:

1. Regulates hypertension

One of the main causes of blood pressure is the presence of high sodium, which causes an imbalance in the water levels of the body. This makes it difficult for the kidneys to flush out excess water. Potassium present in bananas can flush the sodium out and ease the tension in blood vessel walls, reducing blood pressure. Potassium also lowers the risk of stroke, prevents kidney stones and helps the muscles to function smoothly. A medium-sized banana provides 9% of a person’s daily potassium needs.  

2. Moderates blood sugar level

Unripe bananas contain resistant starch, which acts like soluble fibre and helps moderate blood sugar levels after meals by reducing appetite. Bananas rank low to medium on the glycaemic index, a measure that highlights how quickly different foods increase blood sugar levels. Thus, the fruit not only lowers blood sugar, but also reduces the risk of diabetes

3. Improves digestion

The benefits of eating bananas include improved digestion. When an individual has diarrhoea, they face loss of water and electrolytes, such as potassium. Bananas are an immediate source of relief during such conditions. 

4. Source of energy

Bananas are good for our health because they are one of the best sources of energy. They are the perfect food for athletes because of their mineral content and easily digested carbs. It can reduce exercise-related soreness and muscle cramps.

5. Benefits mind and mood

Banana fruit benefits the mind and mood. It contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps in preserving memory and boosts a person’s mood. Tryptophan is further used to make melatonin to regulate sleep cycle and serotonin that regulates appetite and mood.

Ways to add bananas to your meal

Bananas form an important part of our diet. You can add them to your meal in many ways:

    • Mix them in a smoothie
    • As banana breads
    • As banana muffins 
    • As homemade peanut-butter banana sandwich
    • Add sliced banana to your oatmeal or cereal

The fact that bananas can be easily stored and are available year-round, makes them a convenient go-to fruit.

However, one should avoid eating bananas for or after dinner as they may not digest properly at night and it may also not be recommended if you have chronic health issues. It is advisable to consult your doctor before adding it to your daily diet. For more details on nutrition and lifestyle conditions, visit the Activ Living Blog.