Aerobics workpout- Activ Living

Aerobics Exercise To Burn Calories By Shalini Bhargava!

The celebration of the Christmas and New Year holiday season can often send your health and fitness routine off track. As life starts to get back to normal moving into the new year, you can choose to make this year a healthy one by taking back control of your diet and exercise routine.  

Doing aerobics workout reduces the risk of many health issues like heart disease, diabetes, blood pressure, and stroke. It builds your strength and stamina, and even helps in losing weight. The following aerobic exercises are recommended by master fitness trainer Shalini Bhargava to achieve good health- both in mind and body!

Aerobics To Burn Calories

1. Warm-up:

You should never miss a warm-up before doing any strenuous workout. Warming up by jogging on the spot or doing basic stretching can help you loosen your muscle stiffness and alert your body. This prevents injury during a workout.

2. Raise-up (arms):

Reach up with your right hand fully stretched, like you are trying to touch the ceiling. Stretch your right leg in the opposite direction. Repeat with your left hand and leg. This will exercise your arms and back muscles while improving your muscle coordination and balance.

3. Jogging With Upward Stretching:

Jog on the spot while trying to pull your body up to exercise your upper and lower body. With this exercise, you can tone your legs, abdomen, and abs. It also helps you get the benefits of jogging without leaving your house. Also, try these exercises.

4. Side Stepping In L Formation:

Take steps sideward while forming ‘L’ and then come back to the starting point. Along with burning calories, taking side steps in L formation helps in improving your balance and makes your body flexible. It also keeps your mind alert as you maintain the formation.

5. Knee Twist:

Take a step each with both your legs and then bend right your knee sideward, repeat with your left knee. This is a great exercise for people who sit at their desks as it relieves muscle stiffness in the back. It also helps your knee joints loosen up along with your leg muscles. This exercise is a great way to keep your legs in shape.

Aerobics is a set of simple exercises that all members of a family can do. Follow these exercises to stay fit while staying at home and encourage your family to exercise as well. You can check out our articles on health and fitness for different types of exercise that you can incorporate in your routine. To know the complete aerobics workout routine, check this video. You can also check out other fun exercises to burn belly fat here!