Healthy Diet_Activ living Community

What Are The Best Foods You Can Eat Before And After Yoga?

International Yoga Day is celebrated each year on the 21st of June. This year marks the 8th edition of the International Day of Yoga. Many beginners start their sweat session on an empty stomach. This can be detrimental as they may not have enough energy to perform asanas effectively. The feeling of hunger can also lead to tiredness or sluggishness, which can interfere with your yoga session.

However, practicing yoga poses with a heavy meal in your stomach can also be quite uncomfortable. Attempting yoga poses with a full belly can cause stomachaches, bloating, gurgling, and other digestive issues. 

Healthy Food_Activ Living Community

Therefore, knowing what you should eat before and after practicing yoga is important to stay energized. A good rule of thumb for yoga meals is to eat foods that are easy to digest. A balanced diet promotes stamina and improves your overall well-being.

What you need to know:

Know what to eat before practicing yoga

Yoga is not only restricted to practicing mindfulness meditation but also involves mindfully eating a healthy diet before and after each session. Yoga connects you to your body. Therefore, listen to your body and determine what you should eat and when.

Yoga enriches your soul, mind, and body. It helps you take better care of yourself and more intuitively. Therefore, eating a mouthful of protein-rich food with light carbohydrates can keep you full enough to practice yoga. It is advisable to consume a meal 2-3 hours before yoga or a snack one hour before your practice session.

Foods to eat before yoga

Mindful Eating_Activ Living Community

Take a look at what you can eat before your yoga practice:

  • Healthy plant-based nibbles make an ideal snack to consume. Foods that are a powerhouse of fiber, such as pears, bananas, or apples with peanut butter, can sit well in your stomach. You can also have a bowl of berries with yogurt on the side.
  • A handful of almonds or a mixture of nuts can provide energy throughout your time on the mat.
  • You can include energizing protein shakes or green smoothies in your meal, providing adequate nutrition and keeping you hydrated. 
  • Oatmeal can also work in your favor in improving your muscle functions.
  • Avoid eating spicy, sugary, or fried foods.

Foods to eat after yoga

Food To Eat After Yoga_Activ Living Community

Take a look at what you should consume after your yoga practice:

  • During your workout, you lose body fluids through sweating, which can cause dehydration. Hence, after your yoga practice, drink plenty of water before you go on to eat anything to restore electrolytes. You can also add a few lemon drops to your water for a burst of energy and a shot of vitamin C.
  • Consume a fruit salad containing berries, grapes, bananas, apples, and dates. This makes for a nutritious, healthy meal. To stay hydrated, you can also include water-rich foods such as tomatoes, watermelon, pineapples, kiwis, and other citrus foods. 
  • You can also consume hard-boiled eggs and benefit from high-quality protein and nine essential amino acids. This will further maintain, repair, and build your muscles.
  • Indulge in a bowlful of vegetable broth. This soup can contain carrots, spinach, or cabbage to fulfill your calorie requirement after a tiresome yoga session.

Figure out which meal suits your body best before you start practicing yoga. Then, learn to eat mindfully so that your efforts in yoga reflect in your body.

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