The Basic Strength Training Tips And Tricks For Beginners

What Are The Basic Strength Training Tips And Tricks For Beginners?

Weight training, also popularly known as strength training, helps build muscle mass and tones your body. So, if you are thinking of hitting the gym but have never lifted weights before, then below are some tips that will help you learn the basics of weight-lifting.

What you need to know:

If you are just starting, it is best to consult a certified trainer who can guide you in your journey. They can create a strength training program roadmap tailored to your needs. Weight training moves parts of your body against some resistance. Using weights is not the norm. For exercises like lunges and push-ups, you can also do with your body weight. If you want to set up a mini gym at home, start with a beginner’s set of adjustable weight dumbbells, resistance bands, and a kettlebell.

Weight-lifting tips for beginners

Take a look at weight-lifting tips that every beginner should be aware of:

  • Warm-Up: Before you delve deep into a weight-lifting exercise, ensure that you warm up to increase the blood flow to your muscles. Exercises including brisk walking, jogging, jumping jacks, or skipping rope, can get your heart rate up.
  • Lighter weights: If you start with heavy weights, you are bound to injure yourself. The key is to start with lighter weights that you can lift 10-12 times and gradually progress to heavier weights. Begin with two sets of 10-15 repetitions and as you get the hang of it, increase the number of sets.
  • Cool down: Once you are done lifting weights, do some stretching exercises to relax your muscles. Getting a 60-second rest between sets is equally important to avoid muscle fatigue. Stretching increases your flexibility and reduces the risk of any possible injury.
  • Plan your workout schedule: Lifting weights every day can make your muscles sore. Therefore, plan a workout schedule that includes strength training and cardio to maintain a balance. If you aim to build strength, strength training exercises thrice a week are highly effective. However, if it is building muscle mass that you are looking for, then gradually increase the repetitions and frequently work out with weights. It also helps to plan the muscle groups you will be working on specific days.

Exercising safety while lifting weights

While you are excited to use weights, it is imperative to focus on your safety. As dedicated as you might be, do not test your body’s limits right at the beginning. Start slow, stay consistent, and progress eventually.

  • Wear comfortable clothing, quality closed-toe sports shoes, and weight-lifting gloves, if required.
  • Perform each exercise slowly, emphasizing each muscle group, and as you lift weights, master the proper form to see a difference.
  • Inhale before you lift a weight and exhale during the lift. Do not hold your breath; instead, continue this deep breathing exercise while you work out.
  • If you feel a muscle pull or a pain in any part of your body, then stop your workout.
  • Between reps, walk around and stay hydrated. 

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