Ramadan Fasting Tips_Activ Living Community

Ramadan Fasting Made Easy: Healthy Tips for a Successful Fast

In the holy month of Ramadan, many individuals fast from sunrise to sunset. However, fasting can be physically and mentally draining. You can fast safely if you take the necessary precautions, especially for individuals with medical conditions, so you can make the most of your fast while prioritizing your health throughout the month.

What you need to know:

Benefits of fasting

Fasting during Ramadan has many health benefits:

  • Fasting can reduce your lipid profile and bad cholesterol, keeping your cardiovascular health in check.
  • Observing a fast can curb your appetite and help you in weight management.
  • Fasting during Ramadan or practising intermittent fasting can cleanse your body of harmful toxins that may be present in fat deposits.
  • Fasting can also boost your mental well-being, make you more resilient to stress, and be adaptable to change.

The dos and don’ts of Ramadan fasting

Ramadan Fast_Activ Living Community

Avoid skipping breakfast

Since breakfast will be your first meal before sunrise, ensure you fill up on protein. Start your day with a healthy breakfast, including protein-filled foods, like eggs, whole-grain toast, or nourishing smoothies.

Exclude deep-fried and salty foods

Be mindful of your eating habits. Don’t rush your meal. Eating too much too quickly can cause indigestion and may lead to other gastric issues. Take smaller portions and chew your food to prevent weight gain. Avoid meals high in sodium, sugar, or saturated fats. Instead of consuming fried foods, opt for baking, roasting, grilling, steaming, and stewing. Flavor your meals with herbs and spices instead of just depending on salt and sugar.

Focus on hydration

It is advisable to drink as much water in the morning as possible to stave off thirst and hunger and keep your body functioning properly. You can also drink juice or milk. But be wary of beverages containing sugar and calories. Also, avoid drinks that contain caffeine, as caffeinated drinks cause dehydration. Be careful, and don’t go overboard with drinking too much water, as it can dilute your body’s electrolytes, causing water intoxication.

Healthy Ramadan fasting tips you should try

  • Eat a balanced and nutrient-dense dinner. Consume abundant whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to obtain fiber, lean fat, proteins, and complex carbohydrates. Healthy fat foods like nuts and avocados can help you feel energized.

Fasting Tips For Ramadan_Activ Living Community

  • The meal consumed after breaking a fast is known as iftar. According to tradition, dates are consumed at the start of an iftar meal. Dates are a natural source of sugar to balance low blood sugar levels and contain calories to keep energy levels high. They are a healthier alternative to sugar for individuals who have diabetes. You can have a maximum of 5-6 dates daily, as anything more can lead to high sugar levels.
  • You can also break your fast with a hot, nourishing bowl of soup. Soups or broths are an excellent choice, as they are rich in vitamins and minerals. Vegetable, tomato, or lentil soups are packed with nutrition. Avoid cream-based soups.
  • Since you will fast for long hours, ensure you get adequate rest to restore your energy. Get adequate sleep to help your body recover from the physical and mental stress of fasting.
  • You may feel fatigued in the first few days of the fast. Therefore, try a milder, low-impact workout. Take a brisk walk right before dawn or after sunset. Stretching can also go a long way in keeping your energy levels up. Since Ramadan takes place in the warmer months, avoid exercising outdoors.
  • Individuals with health conditions can be at a higher risk if they choose to fast during Ramadan. It is advisable for people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes to refrain from fasting as it can affect their blood sugar levels. Pregnant and lactating mothers can consult a doctor before fasting.

Exercise these tips to fast safely during Ramadan.

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