
Postnatal Care For Mothers

After Pregnancy Care For Mothers- Activ LivingCongratulations to all new and expectant moms! Motherhood can be a joyful experience. Babies are beautiful and they fill a mother’s heart with love. However, caring for a new-born can be overwhelming. Both first time mothers and mothers with older kids tend to take less care of themselves and devote all their time to their children.

Between feeding, bathing, changing diapers, and burping the baby, there seems to be little time for anything else. But it is important for moms of new-borns to remember that they have to take care of themselves as well. You are the only person who can provide your child with the level of attention that he/she requires, which is why you have to make sure that you too are in good health.

Here Are Some Handy Self-Care Tips For New Moms

Sleep When The Baby Sleeps:

This advice is probably as old as civilisation itself, but these are invaluable words of wisdom. Babies sleep a lot in the first few months and it is a great time for you to also catch up on your rest. You don’t have to nap every time the baby does but taking two or three naps during the day should refresh you enough to keep going through those late-night feeding sessions.

Eat The Right Food:

Eating well and the right kind of food is extremely important. Not only do you have to build your strength back after childbirth, but nursing mothers also have to produce sufficient milk. Eat nourishing food but be careful to avoid pulses and certain vegetables that can cause gas, because they will also affect the baby. Iron-rich foods like spinach, beetroot and nachni (ragi), should be included in your diet at this time.

Get Out Of  The House:

While both mother and baby need adequate rest during the first month, after that, a few short outings can be a good idea. Take your baby for a walk in the area around your residence or in a nearby park. You can increase the duration of the walks as the baby gets older. The exercise and fresh air will help your body get stronger and recover faster from pregnancy and childbirth.

Ask For Help:

Not just in India but all over the world, many mothers think that they have to do everything for the baby, by themselves. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Every new mom should ask for help whenever possible. Let the baby’s father as well as the grandparents, from both sides get involved in the caring process. If you can hire help to do the housework, make the most of that and give yourself a break every now and then.

It is only when a mother is healthy that she can see to all the needs of her child. If you are tired and worn out, it will become harder and harder for you to provide your child with the best care. Take a few minutes at the start of each day and plan your schedule making sure to include time for rest, proper meals, and light exercise for yourself.