Muscle Groups_Activ Living Community

How Can You Exercise The 6 Big Muscle Groups Of Your Body To Stay Fit?

Every exercise uses a variety of muscles. Instead of training single muscles, which can lead to a muscle imbalance and disproportion, exercise the 6 muscle groups for a symmetrical physique. The six major muscle groups are the chest, back, arms, shoulders, legs, and calves. A muscle group is a group of muscles that are close together and help the body perform similar movements.

What you need to know:

Difference between compound and isolation exercise

Big Muscle Group_Activ Living Community

Training bigger muscle groups than smaller ones can help you in your fitness journey. The macro-muscles aid in making major movements and help activate the micro-muscles. Knowing the difference between compound and isolation exercises is essential to gain muscle. Compound exercise includes working a bigger muscle group to maximize strength, burn calories, and improve flexibility, coordination, and balance. Standard compound workouts are deadlifts, bench presses, squats, dips, and the like. These prepare the body for isolation exercises that concentrate on smaller muscle groups. Some isolation exercises include bicep curls, calf raises, chest flys, and leg extensions.

Exercises for the 6 big muscle groups of your body

Here are some exercises you can focus on to improve the 6 big muscle groups that will help you stay fit. Try these workouts in a gym under a trainer’s supervision and with proper equipment for your convenience.

  • You can focus on bench press workouts to develop a well-defined chest. The bench press is a weight-training exercise where you lie down on a bench and hold the weight over your shoulders with your feet on the ground.
  • The deadlift is the most effective back exercise. This is a weight-training exercise where a barbell is lifted off the ground to the level of your hips, keeping your torso perpendicular to the floor. Deadlifts activate the stabilizing muscles around your spine and strengthen your back.
  • The overhead press is a weight-training exercise that you can perform while seated or standing to develop the anterior deltoid muscle of the shoulder. While lifting a barbell over your head, ensure that your back remains straight.
  • Barbell bicep curls develop muscle mass in the biceps. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and with your back straight. Hold a barbell in your hands, inhale when you bring it up to your shoulders, and exhale when you bring it down.

Leg Muscles_Activ Living Community

  • Walking lunges are an effective workout for your legs. They can build strength and muscle. Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and arms at your side. Take one leg forward and lower your hips until your knees form a 90-degree angle. You can even try this workout with dumbbells. Ensure that your front knee is stacked above your ankle and does not exceed it, while the other knee stays off the floor.
  • Skipping ropes are the best exercises to strengthen your calves. It engages your entire body and calves in a way that routine weight-training exercises don’t. You can even bring many variations to this workout.

Alternate between upper and lower body muscle groups to give them rest and recovery time. In case you feel uneasy during any exercise/activity, stop immediately. Do not strain yourself and do the exercise/activity only if you feel comfortable and based on your existing health conditions.

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