Right Eating Habits_Activ Living Community

What Are Some Proper Eating Habits That Improve Nutrition Intake In The Long Run?

Maximize Nutrition Intake_Activ Living Community

The first week of September is recognized as National Nutrition Week to raise awareness about proper eating habits and to encourage people to consume a healthy balanced diet which contains adequate nutrition.

What you need to know:

Although exercise can help you stay fit, that, combined with a nutritious diet, can help you lead a healthy life. In addition, certain eating habits and small changes can help you lead a better life.

Eating habits to maximize your nutrition intake

You are what you eat. So, look at some eating habits which can help maximize your nutrition intake.

  • Watch your plate composition and portions. Eating from a larger plate can make the compositions look smaller while eating from a small plate can make the portions look bigger. Also, eat from a plate to control your food intake instead of eating directly from a package, as it might tempt you to eat more.
  • Try to stick to one serving and standard portion sizes to keep your calories in check.
  • Follow the half plate rule: fill half your plate with a colorful rainbow diet, which includes fruits, vegetables, and salads, which make your food more palatable. You can fill the other half with whatever food you want.
  • Take time to chew your food properly. Eating slowly enables weight control and gives your brain the time to perceive that you are full.

Bad Eating Habits_Activ Living Community

  • In case you get hungry, instead of gorging on fried, oily, or sugary snacks, consume healthy snacks, such as makhana, figs, seeds, popcorn, fruit yogurt, curd, smoothies, a handful of unsalted nuts, fruits, and black grape raisins (munakka).
  • Avoid the 3 whites as much as possible: sugar, salt, and flour. When consumed in a large amount, these ingredients can be the root cause of obesity, cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
  • Drink 6-8 glasses of water and stay hydrated to avoid confusion between hunger and thirst. Avoid sugary and fizzy drinks, as they are high in calories and bad for your teeth. Also, eat your fruits instead of drinking them. Fruits are a powerhouse of water, fiber, plant compounds, antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients. When consumed naturally, the natural sugars are digested slowly without causing spikes in blood sugar levels.
  • Don’t skip or delay meals. Be sure to schedule your meals and snacks. When you ignore the feeling of hunger, you end up overeating or consuming an unhealthy snack.
  • Start eating your food mindfully by using all your senses. Concentrate solely on the food while you eat your meals instead of watching television and scrolling through social media, which can distract you from your meal.
  • Consume healthy homemade foods regularly instead of ordering junk food. You can also try whipping up a new healthy recipe every week.
  • Don’t go on a fad diet. Consult your doctor or a nutritionist to ensure you don’t miss out on important nutrients.

Eating Habits_Activ Living Community

  • Try to keep an adequate gap between your dinner and bedtime. Sleeping on a full stomach can cause fat build-up and lead to weight gain.

Good nutrition for health is a fundamental right. It is high time people bring nutrition into mainstream healthcare.
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