Good Health Equals To Less Premiums

Good Health Equals To Less Premiums

How To Reduce Health Insurance Premiums - Activ Together

When you apply for health coverage through a Health Insurance policy, you are required to pay a premium. This refers to a fixed amount that you can pay either monthly or yearly depending upon the plan you choose. This enables you to claim your Health Insurance if you or any of your loved ones befall an ailment. Many individuals these days tend to shy away from purchasing a Health Insurance policy because they find premiums to be quite expensive.

While it may seem practical to not opt for insurance owing to certain financial constraints, it doesn’t bode well for the long run. Because, when it comes to your health, certain uncertainties must be considered. In case of an emergency, the exorbitant bills of treatment can result in a financial burden on you or your family members. Health Insurance, therefore, becomes quite important for you and your loved ones.

Did you know that you can protect yourself and pay premiums at a lower cost? The only way to do so is by taking good care of your health. When you ensure the high levels of your immunity, you, in turn, reduce the chances of any future health calamity, thereby reducing your premiums.

Here Are A Few Ways Through Which You Can Better Your Health And Reduce Your Premiums

  1. Avoid Consumption Of Intoxicants

    When you are a heavy smoker of a habitual drinker, you may become prone to numerous health issues. This will then affect the amount of premium that you pay as your insurance claims may rise in the future. Quitting smoking and drinking will drastically improve your immunity, thereby making you healthier. As a result, you will make healthier decisions leading to lower premium costs.

  1. Give Junk Food The Boot

Junk or processed food contains saturated fats which may result in high cholesterol levels for the consumer. Constant consumption of burgers, fries and other fast food items can lead to lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and so on. Cutting this kind of food out and introducing your palate to healthy food builds up your immunity. This also keeps you in good shape and thereby has a positive impact on the premium you pay.

  1. Make Time For Exercise

In today’s fast-paced, sedentary life it becomes difficult for individuals to find time to factor in any physical activity. This becomes the root cause for numerous lifestyle diseases which in turn can take the premium prices to higher limits. This scenario can be cancelled quite literally by exercising daily for a minimum of 30mins. You can also incorporate physical activity in your day by opting for hobbies such as dance, aerobics, pool yoga and other off-beat ways to sweat it out.

  1. Avail of Additional Benefit from Health Insurance Provider

    Many health insurance companies provide value-added services like annual health check-ups and rewards programmes. Many lifestyle diseases can be prevented by closely monitoring your health and taking the right precautions when necessary. An annual health check-up can keep you informed of how healthy you are overall. What’s more, is that with the rewards programmes you can actually earn points or get a gift for taking care of yourself.

The above ways will help you focus more on being healthy and paying less premiums for full coverage of your health.