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From Calcium To Protein: 5 Essential Health Benefits Of Milk You Need to Know

As we observed World Milk Day on the 1st of June to recognize the importance of milk as a global food, it became evident that milk plays a crucial role in promoting healthy lifestyles. Beyond its creamy taste, milk is a nutritional powerhouse with many benefits. From building strong bones to boosting the immune system, milk offers many advantages that can significantly enhance your overall well-being.

What you need to know:

Types of milk products

Nutritional Benefits of MilkRegularly consuming an adequate amount of milk ensures a high intake of calcium, which supports bone density. Milk is also rich in protein, which is vital in building and repairing tissues and producing enzymes and hormones. However, the nutritious value of your milk also depends on its type –

  • Pasteurised milk: This type of milk is high in protein and low in fat, making it a healthy drink. 
  • Flavored milk: Flavoured milk in cans and packaged products can come with added sugars and additives. 
  • Particular cow milk: Today’s cow milk types are diverse. You can opt for lactose-free milk, milk full of omega 3 or completely organic. After that, it is up to you.  

Nutritional value of milk per 100ml

Even though the nutritional benefits of milk can differ because of its type, let us understand what nutrients can 100 ml of milk provide you with:

  • Calories: 65 Kcal
  • Protein: 3.5 grams
  • Fat: 3.7 grams
  • Calcium: 124 mg
  • Sugars: 4.7 grams 
  • Phosphorus: 99 mg
  • Potassium: 162 mg

The health benefits of milk

Here are some of the best health benefits of consuming milk daily:

Rich in nutrients

Milk stands as a nutritional powerhouse due to its richness in essential nutrients. For example, it is an excellent source of calcium, a mineral crucial for strong bones and teeth. It’s also packed with vitamins, leading to improved bodily functions.  

Good source of protein

Milk is considered to be one of the most protein rich food, which supplies all the essential amino acids our bodies require. These amino acids help in tissue repair, muscle development, and the production of hormones.

Helps bone health

Milk is renowned for being calcium-rich. Calcium, along with phosphorus present in milk, helps in building strong bones. Therefore, regular milk consumption helps prevent conditions like osteoporosis and reduces the risk of fractures.

Helps in building muscles 

The protein content in milk supports muscle growth and repair, making it an excellent choice for post-workout recovery.

Good for heart health

A healthy heart is fundamental to a healthy body, and milk can contribute to maintaining cardiovascular health. In addition, the potassium content in milk helps regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of hypertension. 

What you need to know about the risks of consuming milk

Health benefits of milkAs we observed World Milk Day, it’s crucial to acknowledge that while milk has several health benefits, it may not suit everyone.

Let’s understand the two significant risks of consuming milk: lactose intolerance and casein sensitivity. 

Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a prevalent condition that affects individuals worldwide. It occurs when the body is enzyme deficient, failing to break down lactose, the natural sugar in milk. As a result, undigested milk can lead to bloating, gas, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain. 

Casein sensitivity

Essential benefits of milk

Some individuals may experience sensitivity or allergies to the proteins found in milk, such as casein. Casein sensitivity can lead to digestive discomfort, skin rashes, respiratory issues, or even anaphylaxis in extreme cases.

As we reflect on the benefits of milk, it’s important to note that individual preferences and tolerances may vary. But, in conclusion, milk is a versatile and nutritious beverage with many health benefits. 

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and lifestyle conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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