Is Coffee Good Or Bad For Health?

Everyone loves the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Perhaps, there is no other favorite scent to draw billions of people out of their cozy beds every morning. In fact, according to the International Coffee Organization, 1.4 billion cups of coffee are consumed in the world every day. That’s a lot of coffee!

India, a nation of tea lovers, has seen an extensive growth of coffee enthusiasts in the last few decades. With leading brands and coffee outlets on every street corner, one thing is certain: once you have tasted this ‘elixir,’ there’s no going back.

What you need to know:

The health benefits of coffee

Drink iced tea or coffeeApart from boosting your energy early in the morning so you can have a productive day, coffee consists of numerous health benefits –

  • May boost energy: The presence of caffeine in coffee blocks the receptors for the neurotransmitter adenosine, which increases the levels of other neurotransmitters and causes them to regulate energy levels.
  • May control weight: Coffee may help replace fat storage and support gut health, which is beneficial in weight management
  • May reduce the risk of depression: According to one review, each cup of coffee drunk daily reduces the risk of depression by 8%. 

Is coffee good for health?

For coffee lovers, sipping a hot cup of coffee is nothing less than relaxing themselves, but is coffee good for health? Coffee may impose certain effects on different parts of the body. Therefore, individuals who need a cup of joe to function must consume coffee in moderation. 

Effect of coffee on the body

Caffeine, a key ingredient of coffee, causes a spike in adrenaline levels in your blood. An important hormone, adrenaline, is a chemical produced in the body responsible for the ‘fight or flight’ response. The consequence of high adrenaline levels is increased alertness and concentration.

Coffee encourages your fat cells to use body fat as fuel. It also controls your blood sugar levels and reduces your craving for sweets. So, the next time you debate whether to indulge in pastries while maintaining your weight loss goals, try a cup of coffee.

For individuals who cannot do without their daily cup of joe, it can lead to caffeine addiction, resulting in withdrawal symptoms like headaches and irritability when you try to quit.

Some studies also show that men who regularly drink coffee have a 20% lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Similarly, the risk of developing endometrial cancer in women is reduced by 25%.

Effect of coffee on the brain

Coffee can also be good for your brain. Coffee has been found to elevate your mood by releasing ‘feel-good’ chemicals in your brain. Additionally, a study has suggested that drinking two cups of coffee daily reduces the risk of suicide by 50%. Besides, coffee is linked to preventing neurological disorders like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Does coffee have any harmful side effects?

Although the benefits of coffee are many, anything in excess is harmful. If caffeine is responsible for making you alert and enhancing concentration, it can also cause restlessness, jitters, or anxiety. People who are sensitive to caffeine may also experience insomnia or lack of sleep.

The acidic nature of coffee can sometimes irritate the stomach lining, causing digestive problems. Another adverse side of coffee is the effect on cholesterol levels. Certain ingredients directly cause the cholesterol level to shoot up, creating health issues for people with high cholesterol. Caffeine can also temporarily increase the heart rate and blood pressure levels, which can be concerning for individuals with heart conditions.

Despite the adverse effects on health, coffee continues to remain popular. When taken in moderation, coffee is believed to benefit the body and mind. Remember, as long as coffee suits your health, enjoy the taste of freshness.

Reasons why the right amount of coffee is right for you

Herbal tea and black coffee

Drinking too much coffee may cause you to experience certain mental and physical symptoms, such as upset stomach, anxiety, dizziness, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, muscle tremors, and irritability. So, if you experience such symptoms, consider cutting down the quantity or avoiding it completely. For adults, up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day seems safe. Is coffee good for the health of pregnant women? Pregnant, breastfeeding and those trying to become pregnant should consult doctors about limiting caffeine use to less than 200 milligrams per day.

What are the top health benefits of drinking coffee?

While we see differences of opinions on whether coffee is good for health, here are some data-backed benefits of this beverage that clear the air:

  • May lower risk of type 2 diabetes: The right amount of coffee helps in better processing of glucose, which means less risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • May lessen the chance of developing heart failure: One review found that drinking three to five cups of coffee per day reduced the risk of heart disease by 15%.
  • May reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease: In 11 observational studies on more than 29,000 people, results showed that more coffee meant a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Less chances of having a stroke: Drinking one cup a day lessens the chances of a stroke in women.
  • May support liver health: Research shows that coffee drinkers have a healthier range of liver enzymes than non-drinkers.

Coffee is undoubtedly one of the popular beverages and offers many health benefits, but keep in mind to consume limited quantities of coffee while monitoring your health.

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