Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Limited

Angioplasty Surgery And Things You Should Know About It

  • Published on: 08-02-2022
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Rahul experienced frequent pain in his chest area as well as pressure while performing light physical activities. His doctor advised him to get an X-ray and a CT scan to understand the complications. Unfortunately for Rahul, the test showed certain blockages in his arteries and the doctor has since advised him to get treated for angina, a condition wherein your heart muscles do not receive oxygen-rich blood.

Angioplasty is performed on the arteries in the heart when cholesterol plaque, a sticky/waxy substance, blocks or constricts them. An angioplasty surgery is a procedure to free up these clogged arteries and restore the normal blood flow in the heart. Such cholesterol plaque is a fatty substance that gets deposited due to a disease of the heart called atherosclerosis. It is termed as percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or percutaneous coronary intervention in medical jargon. These kinds of diseases are usually covered in critical illness insurance plans.

When Is An Angioplasty Required?

The angioplasty procedure is recommended when the medicines prescribed for the heart ailment do not have any real effect; or if necessary lifestyle changes too show no significant improvement; or if there is persistent chest pain with no signs of relief. Lastly, you can get an angioplasty stent in the case of a heart attack which can quickly help to free up the blocked arteries.

While undergoing an angioplasty, local anaesthesia is needed. A small incision is made in your arm or leg and a thin tube known as a catheter is passed through the blood vessel. Such a catheter has a tiny balloon at its other end. Using an X-ray video, the catheter is guided to the blocked coronary artery. When the catheter reaches the targeted location, the plaque blocking the blood flow is pushed against the wall of the artery by inflating the balloon, thus restoring the blood flow to the heart. Extreme cases that require special care involve using a stent. A stent is a metal mesh tube inserted in the artery to keep it wide enough for the blood to flow without any interruptions. Angioplasty stents prevent the arteries from narrowing again. Such stents are used to free arterial blockages and remain in place even after the surgery.

How Long Does An Angioplasty Procedure Last?

Most angioplasty procedures do not last more than a couple of days and the person undergoing the angioplasty surgery is fit to return home after a day or two.

However, not every heart ailment requires an angioplasty. The angioplasty surgery may not be suited for someone who has weak heart muscles. If you have diabetes and multiple blockages in the arteries, then a bypass surgery is a better alternative. In case of bypass surgery, a healthy blood vessel from another part of your body, generally the thigh, is used to bypass the blocked artery.

Alternatively, if the main artery that pumps blood to the left side of your heart is narrow, then angioplasty surgery may not be recommended.

What Are The Benefits Of An Angioplasty Procedure?

Angioplasty can help restore the blood flow in your heart, thus relieving your heart muscles of any stress. This can help alleviate problems such as shortness of breath and chest pain along with other symptoms of a heart attack. You may prevent getting an open heart surgery if you get angioplasty done well in time as recommended by your doctor.

Angioplasty can be an expensive treatment considering the delicate tools and high-end facilities required. Getting a health insurance cover to avoid unnecessary stress in your life can be helpful in such critical times. Stay healthy and stay protected!

You can get more information on various treatments like cataract surgery, coronary angiography, angioplasty etc. by browsing our list of health insurance articles

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