Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Limited

Reasons Why People Having Cholesterol Should Opt for Health Insurance Policy

  • Published on: 08-02-2022
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The prevalence of high cholesterol among Indians is increasing by the day. According to recent studies, around 25-30% of the urban population suffers from high cholesterol, while 15-20% of the rural masses reported high cholesterol levels. With such alarming figures, it only becomes necessary to take appropriate steps to remain prepared at all times.

A high cholesterol level, also known as hypercholesterolemia, is a condition where the cholesterol levels in the body increase to an extent of causing various health problems. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), a category of cholesterol found in the blood, creates a plaque that builds up and hardens around the walls of the blood vessels. Due to this build up, the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart is reduced. This may lead to coronary heart disease, heart attacks, and may even result in death. Buildups may even form on arteries that supply blood to other parts of the body such as brain, arms, and legs, may cause various health complications.

If you have cholesterol and wish to avoid health conditions associated with high cholesterol, it is necessary to take preventive measures. You may also take proactive steps such as investing in health insurance for high cholesterol

About high cholesterol health cover

Since high cholesterol may result in death by either heart attack or stroke, health insurance providers consider it to be important in underwriting health plans. The premium rates will, therefore, depend on whether or not you have high cholesterol levels. While reviewing your high cholesterol health insurance application, insurers look at a number of factors such as how frequently you are getting medical attention to treat your condition. Insurers also verify if you are on medications, and if yes, what kind. Other factors that are taken into consideration include your current blood pressure levels, your level of physical activity, and your age, among others.

Benefits of purchasing a high cholesterol insurance plan

Health insurance for cholesterol patients is now becoming a very popular option due to the numerous benefits it has to offer. Following are four major advantages you could get by investing in such a plan.

1. Coverage against hospitalization

Just like all health insurance plans, a high cholesterol health policy covers coverage against expenses incurred in case of hospitalization. This includes expenses towards the doctor’s fee, nursing charges, disposables, bed charges, and room rent, besides others. Health insurance for cholesterol patients covers such costs, thereby allowing you to undergo treatment in the hospital of your choice. You may focus on a speedy recovery, instead of worrying about making the financial arrangement.

2. Coverage against medical tests and medicine costs

Doctors recommend individuals to undergo a complete cholesterol test, also known as lipid profile or lipid panel. These tests help in measuring triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. The cost of repeated tests may burn a hole in your pocket. The good news is that health insurance for cholesterol patients covers expenses incurred for such tests. Besides, your policy pays for medicinal expenses.

3. Coverage against consultation fees

As a cholesterol patient, you may have to visit your specialist more than often for regular treatment. The cost of consultation may be high. Health plans provide coverage against such costs, thereby reducing your financial burden.

4. Offers tax deductions

Like any other health insurance policy, high cholesterol health insurance offers tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961. You may claim up to INR 25,000 and reduce your tax paying liability.

Applying for a high cholesterol health cover is important as it offers financial security when you need it the most. You may, therefore, invest in such an insurance plan and protect your financial well-being.

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