Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Limited

Why Do You Need Health Insurance Coverage For Asthma

  • Published on: 08-02-2022
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The number of individuals suffering from chronic conditions is on the rise. Asthma, one such chronic condition, has affected numerous individuals in the country. Surprisingly, around 10% of the total asthmatic patients across the globe comprises of Indians. Some of the major reasons for this are the high air pollution levels in the country coupled with deteriorating climatic conditions, poor lifestyle habits, and stress.

About Asthma

Asthma is a chronic condition that occurs when the airways of the respiratory tract narrows and swells. This results in the production of extra mucus and makes breathing difficult. Asthma patients often complain of coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

Asthma can turn out to be a serious problem if left untreated. Though this condition cannot be cured, it is necessary for asthma patients to visit their doctors to track the symptoms and receive treatment accordingly.

Getting Covered Through a Health Insurance Plan

Asthma patients are often burdened with high medical costs associated with the treatment of the disease. In order to avoid out-of-pocket expenses, they may consider investing in an asthma health insurance policy.

Following are four major reasons it is necessary to consider investing in a health insurance policy for asthma patients.

  1. Coverage Against Medical Inflation

    According to the 2017 Global Medical Trends Survey Report, medical inflation was as high as 12.5% in 2016. This number is only increasing by the day. Asthma patients may, therefore, find it difficult to cope with the ever-increasing cost of treatment. Investing in a health insurance for asthma patients is the best solution for them. The insurance provider bears medical expenses, thereby reducing the patients’ financial liability.

  2. Covers Expenses Related To Medical Tests

    Doctors may perform a variety of tests to measure the patient’s lung functions. These tests also help determine the severity of asthma. Some of the most common tests include spirometry, peak flow test, nitric oxide test, imaging test, methacholine challenge test, and sputum eosinophils, among others. The cost of such tests may burn a hole in the patient’s pocket. The good news is that health insurance for asthma patients covers expenses related to such tests, thereby relieving the asthma-affected patient of financial worry.

  3. Meets Hospitalization-related Expenses

    In case of severe asthma attacks, patients may require extensive hospitalization. The cost of hospitalization is generally high and may eat into their savings. Health insurance for asthma patients, however, takes care of this aspect. The insurance provider is liable to pay all-hospitalization-related expenses according to terms and conditions of the policy.

  4. Covers Expenses Towards Medicines

    Given that asthma is a chronic medical condition, patients are required to take medications to prevent symptoms and attacks of the disease. An asthma health insurance policy covers costs related to such medications. Asthma patients may, therefore, buy the prescribed medicines and may claim for reimbursement from their insurance provider later.

    While buying an asthma health insurance plan, patients may look at the cover size of the policy. They should ensure that the sum insured amount is sufficient to meet their needs in case of an eventuality. They may also opt for an insurance provider that provides the benefit of lifelong renewability. An important aspect to keep in mind is the exclusions. Some plans do not cover certain types of procedures and medical costs, and hence they may check the exclusions of the plan before signing on the dotted line. Doing their due diligence will help them make a smart purchase decision, thereby covering them at times they need it the most.

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