BMI Calculator

Simply enter your details to calculate your BMI.

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feet Please enter a value between 0 & 10
inches Please enter a value between 0 & 12
kg Please Enter weight between 1 kg & 500 kg.

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Introduction to the Body Mass Index(BMI)

The body mass index calculator helps to calculate the BMI value of the individual while taking the age, height and weight into consideration. The BMI value accurately predicts the body fatness in individuals. The value obtained after calculating the BMI helps in understanding whether the person falls in the category of underweight, normal weight or is obese.

What is BMI Calculator?

A body mass index calculator is used to measure any persons’ leanness or obesity basis their height and the weight. This indicator is widely used to understand the health of the person. The value of BMI varies not only basis their height or weight but also according to their age and region. The value is categorised under 3 sections that is underweight, normal weight and overweight. Underweight and overweight is further sub categorised under severely underweight and severely obese. Although BMI indicator does not exactly point out any health concerns, but it is an useful indicator to suggest whether you need any further tests or not.

BMI Chart for Adults

According to World health organisation this is the BMI values of men and women above 18 years of age
Category BMI range – Kg/m2
Severe Leanness <16
Moderate Leanness 16-17
Mild Leanness 17-18.5
Normal 18.5 – 252
Overweight 25- 30
Obesity Class 1 30- 35
Obesity Class 2 35 – 40
Obesity Class 3 >40

BMI Chart for Individuals Between the Age of 2-20

The BMI categorization for children is recommended by Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Category Percentile range
Underweight <5%
Healthy Weight 5% - 85%
High risk of overweight 85% - 95%
Overweight >95%

BMI Formula

The formula is basis the person’s height and weight. The formula of BMI is the weight of the person in kilogram divided by the height of the person in metre square.

Health Problems Caused Due to Being Underweight

The health problems associated with Low BMI levels are
  • Nutrition deficiencies, malnutrition, anaemia
  • Osteoporosis – a problem where the bone breaks easily
  • Decreases immunity
  • Hormonal imbalances in case of women, reproductive issues leading to miscarriage or disrupted menstrual cycle.
  • Higher risk of mortality

Health Problems Caused Due to Being Overweight

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol that is high level of bad cholesterol and low level of good cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Gallbladder issues
  • Osteoarthritis – caused by breaking down of joint cartilage
  • Sleep apnea and breathing problems
  • Low quality of life
  • Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety and others
  • Body pains and difficulty in physical functions

Limitations of BMI Calculator

BMI calculator is widely issued for understanding the body weight and health of an individual, but it has certain limitations. BMI doesn’t take the composition of the body mass into consideration. BMI can be considered only as measure along with other measurements as it does not consider the distribution of bone mass, fat and muscle in the body which is different for every person.

In case of adults

BMI is not completely accurate in case of adults as it measures excess body weight and not exact body fat. Different factors such as sex, age, activity level, ethnicity influences the value of BMI. For example, a person who is comparatively old with no activity level may have normal weight but would have substantial fat in the body. Also, a younger person with higher activity level and higher muscle composition would be considered healthy.

In case of Child

The efficacy of BMI is also limited in case of Children and adolescents. The height and weight and level of sexual maturation can influences BMI value in case of adolescents and the body fat in case of children influences the value of BMI.

Other Ways to Estimate Health Risks Associated with Weight

Ponderal index is another way to calculate obesity and leanness in an individual similar to BMI index. The ponderal index also measures leanness and the obesity basis the height and weight of the individual. The main difference between Ponderal index and BMI index is that the height is taken as a cubic figure rather than taking it in square. The Ponderal index is a more reliable figure for those who are too tall or too short, though it has similar limitations as BMI.
Trying to remain within the healthy limit of BMI is challenging specially for those who are overweight and underweight. You can talk to your nutritionist and doctor in case if your indicator shows any extreme body weight range.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the Right BMI for a Woman?

Here is the chart for the right BMI for women

Category Range
Underweight Below 18.5
Healthy Weight 18.5 – 24.9
Overweight 25-29.9
Obese 30-39.9

What is the Right BMI for a Man?

The BMI for man is same as that of woman and that is

Category Range
Underweight Below 18.5
Healthy Weight 18.5 – 24.9
Overweight 25-29.9
Obese 30-39.9

Are BMI Calculators Useful?

Although the BMI calculator is not a perfect measure for body fat, yet this is helps in assessing the overall health of a person to a certain level. For example, an athlete may have higher BMI because of denser muscle and bone health but would be actually more healthier than an average person of the same age.

How to Use a BMI Calculator?

Enter you weight and your height as per the given metrics. Click on compute now and your BMI will be shown.

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