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How to write compelling cover letters

When seeking out new job opportunities, two things which go hand in hand are your CV and the cover letter accompanying it. Both elements play a significant role in making or breaking your first impression on the hiring team. While your CV summarises your experiences & skill sets objectively, a cover letter usually plays a slightly superior role in the hiring process.

This is because when they open your application, it is the first thing that the recipient reads about you. Additionally, it gives them a comprehensive understanding of who you are and how suitable you might or might not be for the position. Most recruiters prefer an application that has a good cover letter attached along with a CV. So, let us first understand, what is a cover letter?

What is a cover letter for a job?

A cover letter is a simple document that ideally represents you to the recruiter. It outlines your interest in the job opening and the organisation and some of your unique qualities which make you the best choice for them to proceed with. When written well, it is the key to potentially unlocking and increasing your chances of being shortlisted for the said role.

Unlike a CV, which is brief in nature, a cover letter lets the hiring manager get to know who you are as a professional. As a result, it helps them understand how you could fit into the bigger picture that they have in mind for their team and the company’s future. So, let us now look at the importance of a cover letter that is composed well.

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Importance of a cover letter

1. Adds a personal touch

Since it is highly customisable, it allows you to express your passions and interests uniquely. This lets the recruiter get a glimpse of your personality and distinguish you amongst tens or hundreds of other job seekers.

2. Helps address concerns

If there are any gaps or quick switches between jobs in your CV, it could raise a few eyebrows, even out of simple curiosity. A cover letter allows you to address these concerns beforehand.

3. Highlights additional hidden skills

The primary responsibility of an FSM is to lead and guide the sales teams towards achieving their goals. They need to offer the necessary direction and support to ensure their team performs to its best potential.

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How to write a good cover letter?

1. Addressing correctly

There is nothing worse than wrongfully addressing an application incorrectly. Either confirm the correct details from where you found the opening, or address it to the team as, ‘to whom it may concern.’

2. Research the organisation

Your letter must showcase your efforts of familiarising yourself with the organisation. Understanding the company culture and expressing how closely your interests align with them is essential.

3. Highlight your qualifications

While your CV will list down your educational and professional qualifications, a cover letter will let you share additional details. You can quickly elaborate on a few key points that make you most suitable for the role.

4. Discuss your successes

You can also provide available figures or observed results when you put your qualifications to use, previously. This will let a recruiter recognise your capability of knowledge-application to achieve goals and resolve issues.

5. Tell them why they need you

Most recruiters receive endless applications for open positions, from capable and qualified applicants. To stand out, you need to highlight unique reasons to show them that you are the one person that they need.

6. Customise as per the opening

It is also very important to craft your cover letter based on an opening. Present your details in a way that addresses the requirements of the position without sounding like an exact match, which might make you seem ingenuine.

7. Reiterate your interest

Conclude your letter by briefly mentioning why you desire to be part of the organisation. Express your hopes of staying in touch, and having a conversation in the near future.

8. Proofread thoroughly

It is extremely beneficial to check your cover letter properly. Proofreading it will help you identify and rectify any mistakes, so that you can send an error-free application.

Explore Career Opportunities at Aditya Birla Capital

Having understood what a cover letter and its importance is, your job applications will now stand a better chance at being shortlisted. The above-listed elements should always act as your mandates, to set you up for success at getting hired for your dream jobs. The more unique your cover letter is, the more significant impact you leave on a recruiter's mind.


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