High Temperature_Activ Living

Endure A Heatwave With These 6 Diet And Fitness Tips

Summer_Activ Living

With the advent of the summer season begins the unbearable heatwave. While a spell of hot weather can be pleasant for some to devour frozen treats, it can prove to be a significant level of discomfort to young, elderly and ill people. However, anyone can suffer heat-related illness due to overexertion or if they don’t take extreme heat warnings seriously.


What you need to know:


What is a heatwave?

A heatwave is a prolonged period of unusually high temperature in a region. Heat-related illnesses include heat stroke, heat exhaustion, muscle cramps, fainting, nausea and vomiting, rapid heart rate, diarrhea and dehydration. When a person’s body temperature is dangerously high, they reach a condition called hyperthermia which is caused by failure of the body’s heat-regulating process. It leads to an inflammatory response that damages the body’s tissues and organs.


6 diet and fitness tips to endure a heatwave

Knowing how to stay cool during a heatwave can help you be safe. Here are some diet and fitness tips that can help you endure a heatwave.


  • Drink plenty of fluids such as water and fruit juices. You can also include many water-rich foods in your diets such as tomatoes, cucumbers, apples and watermelons to stay hydrated. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, energy drinks or coffee, as they can cause dehydration. 

Early Morning Exercise_Activ Living

  • When you lose too much fluid or salt through dehydration or perspiration, your body temperature rises and you may develop heat-related illnesses. Therefore, plan your day around the heat. Postpone your daily workout schedule in the face of high heat and humidity. Exercise either early in the morning when the air is cooler and before the sun has risen or in the evening. People with high blood pressure or other chronic conditions are more vulnerable to a heatwave. Children, seniors, and anyone with health issues should stay indoors in a cool place. 


  • When the temperature rises, it can affect your breathing as your body uses more oxygen to cool down. Therefore, your lungs are forced to work harder, making you feel tired. Try to control your breathing. Taking deep breaths can be extremely soothing.


  • Avoid the usual norm of eating three square meals a day. Instead, consume smaller meals more frequently on days when the heat turns up, such as salads and fruits. Also, avoid eating large high-protein foods which can increase metabolic heat and warm the body. Eat foods rich in nutrients.


  • With the temperatures skyrocketing, it becomes difficult to concentrate and focus as your mind is racing at a hundred miles an hour in the heat. This is where meditation can bring you calmness and peace. Try meditating, either early in the morning before starting your day to prevent you from getting too worked up, or at night before you sleep.


Refrigerating Food_Activ Living

  • Try to put the perishable foods in the refrigerator at the right temperature, but do not overcrowd it. Defrost frozen foods slowly in the fridge, where they will be less vulnerable to temperature fluctuations. 


Beat the summer heat with these tips and tricks that can help you endure the heatwave. Find out more on fitness and lifestyle-related topics on Activ Living Community.